1. The flow chart of walnut oil press equipment
Walnut →cleaning→crusher→walnut shell
Walnut kernel →heating (30℃-40℃) →flaker (0.3mm-0.4mm)→cooker → presser → walnut oil
walnut cake
2. The Introduction of the walnut oil press equipment:
The simple processing of oil pretreatment includes pressing, high temperature pressing, cold pressing (less than 70 degrees) etc.
► Formal oil pressing can adopt one time or twice pressing of oilseeds. It is applicable for low capacity required oil processing oil plant.
► High capacity oilseeds pretreatment and oil pressing equipped with oil extraction treatment, is used in high capacity and large-scale oil pressing plant, or high oil content oilseeds processing plant.
► Oil prepressing can get up 70% oil fat of embryo, and residual oil inside pre-pressed cake can be extracted by organic solvent.
3. The feature of the walnut press equipment
► automatic institution can reduce operator's working intensity
► large capacity and workshop area occupied small size and power consuption,management and maintenance are reduced
► structure of pressed cake loose but not crushed which helpful for solvent penetration
► oil rate and water of pressed cake suitable for solvent leaching